samedi 12 octobre 2013


12 octobre 2013

This week Rwandans witnessed the extent of poverty in Rwanda, where two men were arrested for trying to sell dog meet. While Paul Kagame and his sycophants are trotting the world and spending tax payer’s money on their luxury life style; Rwandans are reliving the life of poverty, destitute, unemployment and apartheid. 

In other words Rwanda has turned into a living hell.   


While Paul Kagame and RPF sycophants like Arthur Asiimwe, Nshuti Manasseh, Shyaka Anastase and Dr Venuste Karambizi are hounding Kagame’s trumpets. 

Rwanda’s economy is crumbling; the country is experiencing high inflation of about 7%, high unemployment, mortgage foreclosures, business bankruptcies, high tax rates, food shortages and diminishing house hold income. 

The IMF has revised Rwanda’s economic growth; All Rwandan’s know that the RPF regime doctors their economical figures through Rwanda’s National Institute of Statistics. 

All totalitarian governments usually play around with figures in their elections, economic indexes, mortality rates, human records, education etc.–finance.html  

Proof of RPF’S Apartheid

On the 02 September 2013 article we noted, analysed and discussed about apartheid within the RPF’S administration system. 

Our article was not about creating hatred but stating tangible facts within RPF’s rotten regime.

A cabinet meeting led by Dictator Paul Kagame sat on the 9th of October 2013 and this meeting introduced a new press bill, which gives more power to the ministry of information to control news and information that are being published or transmitted in Rwanda.  

The cabinet meeting also appointed only Tutsi men and women to deferent positions within the government and others were appointed as head of parastatals

This is a justification that RPF is an apartheid organisation; Rwandans are living in a closed prison and swimming in pool of humiliation, poverty, illiteracy and killings under the RPF regime.

USA’s suspension of military cooperation with Rwanda leaves the Dictator shaken

After three weeks of living like a King outside the Country, in a spree of financial extravagancy and excesses; Criminal Paul Kagame returned back to his Rwanda Kingdom on the 2nd of October 2013 only to receive a thumb down Communication from the USA state department. 

The USA state department had sent a fax communication addressed to Louise Mushikiwabo and attached to Paul Kagame and USA ambassador to Rwanda, this fax communication was stating USA’s suspension of military Aid and cooperation with Rwanda.   

The blatant letter from the USA state department to Rwanda’s foreign affair ministry contained the following points:
  • The State department informed the Rwandese foreign ministry that they have sufficient evidence from different sources on Rwanda’s involvement in recruiting and forcing of children to join M23/RDF outfit. 
  • That Rwanda is providing arms and logistic support to M23/RDF outfit.
  • Rwanda was warned in the strongest term that in future USA and the international world may impose other sanctions. 
9365172193_11ce1a93e6_c dans Politiki
The cold air is now between Rwanda and USA

This development was a great shock to criminal Paul Kagame as the Rwandan dictator personally met John Kerry the USA secretary of state on the 26th of September 2013, and Mr Kerry did not mention the issue of Rwanda recruiting and using child soldiers for the M23/RDF. 

Criminal Paul Kagame is slowly realising that even his protector the USA and United Kingdom, with time they will ditch him as they did to Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak. 

How will the USA’s suspension of military cooperation affect the RDF

Ikaze Iwacu has been carrying out research in order to find out the effect and the consequences of USA’s military suspension.  Ikaze Iwacu was able to obtain reliable information that the ministry of defence is already in deficit and the military aid cut will make a worse situation be horrible.  

That is why Dictator Paul Kagame came out to beg the State department and Samantha Power in particular to re-instate the military cooperation Aid:
  • The military Aid will affect RDF’s training programs, as the money from USA is usually used in RDF’s training programs.
  • All the military scholarships to USA have also been affected as no more scholarships for RDF soldiers to USA military schools will be available.
  • The suspension has affected also the technical arms supply of RDF, and Kagame’s RDF militias will become more weakened as USA has stopped selling or providing arms.
  • Our reliable informer continued to tell Ikaze Iwacu that it’s a matter of time before Paul Kagame and other RDF officers are included in the list of leaders/rulers that recruit and use child soldiers. Charles Taylor and Kagame’s militia leaders like Thomas Lubanga are already indicted by the ICC; Dictator Paul Kagame will be the next criminal to join the ICC club.  
The criminal RPF regime is now engulfed within political, economical and social problems. Dictator Paul Kagame and his criminal regime have shifted all the political and economical mayhem sweeping Rwanda to FDLR. Everything that is going bad in Kagame’s kingdom is always the fault of FDLR and their collaborators.

Paul Kagame is begging ambassador Samantha Power for help

When asked about the economy the answer for the Dictator will be that FDLR and Ibigarasha are to blame for the economical woos in Rwanda, when asked about human rights in Rwanda the dictator will blame it on FDLR, when he is asked about suppression of the media the dictator will blame FDLR, when the dictator was told about RDF/M23 using child soldiers the dictator will shift his lies  and fabrication on FDLR, when they ask the dictator about poverty and inequality the dictator is always blaming the problem on FDLR and the South African elements.

When Criminal Paul Kagame and juice Louise Mushikiwabo are talking and blaming everything going wrong in their kingdom on political opponents, logical Rwandans then wonder who are actually leading Rwanda. Dictator Kagame’s myopic answers to Rwanda’s problems reflect disorder and lack of expertise within this apartheid regime. 
Einstein the famous scientist once said that, “dictatorship does not usually last long, but the problem is that they are usually succeeded by political pretenders.” After throwing Dictator Paul Kagame and his RPF regime in the oven of hell, Rwandans will never allow another criminal or political pretender to oppress them.  
Michael Porter’s five forces analysis on political and managerial dictatorship

Michael Porter is a very known author of managerial and political strategy and a senior lecturer at Harvard University. He developed a paradigm known as the Michael Porter’s 5 forces analysis.

Once Paul Kagame was giving lessons in Michael Porter's class 
(Michael Porter is on the left side)

He described dictatorship using the following five step analysis:

  • Threat of entry/monopoly of power: Michael Porter stated that dictators will always fear free entry of political opponents within the political arena. Dictators will always try to control political space within their specific countries. RPF now controls the entry of political parties within Rwanda’s political space, as of now there is no single opposition party in Rwanda. All the parties are under RPF’s armpit.
  • Threat of substitute: Michael Porter stated that dictators always fear fair elections. Dictators will always play the politics of rigging elections, and they will always win with massive votes. Dictators hate to be replaced as they believe that there more superior with super logical thinking. This explains the election theatres that usually take place in Rwanda were the RPF and Paul Kagame usually wins their bogus elections with massive riggings. Every one now knows how Dictator Paul Kagame feels about himself; the man thinks he is “God”.  
  • Threat of competitive rivalry: Michael Porter stated that dictators will always coerce and oppress individual liberties. According to Porter dictators will always create negativism and totalitarian atmosphere. Dictators hate any kind of criticism, those who question their behaviours and characters are usually branded with all sorts of names. Paul Kagame fits this definition; criminal Kagame has branded and called his opponents all kinds of names. Those who question and criticise Paul Kagame and RPF regime are usually labelled with all sorts of titles.
  • The assumptions that they are loved (Buyer Power): Michael Porter in his paradigm described dictatorship as an inborn sickness that can never be cured. Dictators will always assume that they have the monopoly of reasoning; they always have a misconception that they are loved by the masses. Porter continued to state that dictators usually assume that they have the best product for sale and no one else has better products for sale. This is what is happening in Rwanda under RPF and his criminal club. This criminal regime believes that they have the monopoly of ideas, knowledge and Vision. But the only vision that RPF has is that of apartheid tendencies, killings, injustice, economical plunders and clear human rights abuses.
  • Sick patriotism (Supplier power), Michael Porter in his paradigm about dictatorship, he was amused at how dictators spend state funds on national days that hype their image. There image will be more important than the country, they will always spend energy and resources in advancing and advertising criminal ideologies, lies and division. Dictators always suffer a self appraisal syndrome. This paradigm fits criminal Paul Kagame who spends millions on his idiotic Rwanda day celebrations. Everyone knows that RPF is built in ideology of lies and blood. 
Criminal Paul Kagame and his RPF organisation fit all the five point paradigm of dictatorial analysis. Michael Porter in his 1998 book “Cases in competitive strategy, 6th edition” stated that once any person or organisation fits the above five paradigm; that person or organisation should not be allowed to exist. With this in mind it’s therefore important to note that RPF should not exist as a party and Criminal Paul Kagame has no single right to even be called a president.  

Why RPF should be burned as a political organisation:

Criminal organisation throughout history have been burned, dissolved and crushed. Nazi was defeated and destroyed, The Baath party was defeated and dissolved, the independent democratic union of General Pinochet was burned, the Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF) of Benito Mussolini was burned and dissolved and many more political parties through history have been burned because of their criminalities and reactionary political ideologies. 

Below are some of the criminalities that justifies the burning and destruction of the RPF as a mafia organisation.
  • Massacres in Kagitumba in 1990, justifies the burning of RPF as a party.
  • Massacres in Ngarama and Kiyombe in Byumba in 1991, justifies the burning of RPF as a party.
  • Massacres in Butaro, Kigombe and Kinigi in Ruhengeri in 1991, justifies the dissolving the RPF as a criminal entity.
  • Massacres in Bwesige, Kivuye, Kibati and Muvumba in Byumba in 1992, justifies the burning of RPF as a political party.
  • Massacres in Gatsibo and Muhura in Byumba 1993, justifies Rwandans to destroy RPF party as a political organisation.
  • Massacres in Nyacyonga and Kibeho in 1994 and 1995 respectively, justify the burning of RPF as a political organisation.
  • Massacres in Mukingo, Nkuli, Kinigi and Gatovu in Ruhengeri between 1995-1998; justify the dissolving of RPF as a party.
  •  Massacres in Mutura, Jenda, and Kabumba in Gisenyi between 1996-1998, this justifies the right by Rwandans to dissolve the RPF criminal band.
  • Massacres in Bichumbi in 1997, justifies the right to burn and dissolve this criminal RPF Empire.
  • Massacres in the Congo that are still taking place up to now justify the burning and dissolving of the RPF party.
  • Assassinations and political persecutions that are being carried out by the RPF outfit, justifies the right for Rwandans to burn and dissolve this criminal party.
The above massacres from different parts of the country and the genocide in the Congo highlights how Rwanda is being ruled by a criminal entity and Rwandans have a constitution right to destroy this criminal regime. 

During the declaration of independence speech in 1776, Thomas Jefferson the founding father of America stated that, “The God who gave us life, also gave us liberty at the same time.” 

I hope Paul Kagame and those who think like him will one day realise that freedom and liberty is a God given right.


Helen Keller in her 2004 book “the world I live in,” stated that “the most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.” Helen Keller continued to note that “The highest result of education is tolerance of ideas and criticism.”

Joseph Pulitzer the father of journalism in his book “the social history of journalism” stated that, “journal readers and critics are always interested in the content of facts, ideas and debate raised within an article but not the details of the writers. If a perceived reader demands personal details then identify that person as a lazy reader.”

I would like to recommend the following journalism books to criminal Paul Kagame and his journalist student since these days an agronomist Tom Ndahiro has been lecturing students in the journalism department at Butare University; the books are also recommended to anyone else as they lecture on the ethics of journalism and anonymity.
  • David Randall, 2011, “The universal of journalism”, 5th edition.
  • Tom Wolfe, 1973, “The new journalism.”
  • Bill Kovach and Tom Rosential. 2007, “Elements of journalism and ethical principles.”
I would also like to thank all the readers of letter from the north articles and Ikaze Iwacu in general; and I would like to thank all of you for your positive criticism on the previous articles.
By a Correspondent

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