27 septembre 2013
Andrew Vachss in his 1999 book “Choice of evil” stated that “Journalism is the protection between people and any sort of totalitarian rule, it’s a moral duty of a journalist or blogger to scrutinise the moral behaviours of those holding public offices.
For those who don’t want their lives to be scrutinised, what I can say is that politic shouldn’t be your profession.”

Paul Kagame and Jeannette Nyiramongi wedding
For the last month Rwandans have been reading from Igihe.com the sensational stories about Jeannette Rwigema and the newly acclaimed Fred Rwigema’s sons.
Ikaze Iwacu does not question the paternity of both Alfred Gisa and Dan Mutabazi Gisa, but we only question the role played by Rwanda’s evil queen Jeannette Kagame in dehumanising the image of Mrs Jeannette Rwigema.
On the 15th of September Ikaze Iwacu published an article about evil Jeannette Kagame’s plan to introduce Alfred Gisa’s mother Miss Eunice Matsiko before the Kagame press of Igihe and New Times. But after the publication of their evil plan evil Jeannette Kagame devised another plan of introducing Fred Rwigema’s other child.
Reliable source from Village Urugwiro has told Ikaze Iwacu that Jack Nziza has lined up four children, after Alfred Gisa and Dan Mutabazi Gisa; two more children are yet to come out.
The saga of Jeannette Rwigema and her step children is not yet over, what all Rwandans should know is that the script is written by evil Jeannette Kagame with the blessing of criminal Paul Kagame who now wears the skirt as Jeannette Kagame now wears trousers, meaning that Jeannette Kagame is the real Boss at Village Urugwiro.
Today’s article will be analysing and discussing about Rwanda’s new acclaimed queen. I am writing this article with a heavy heart, sorrow and pain to how a woman, mother and a daughter can enjoy the destruction of humanity without remorse or consciousness.
As of now evil Jeannette Kagame has killed more people than Juana Bourmann a female SS Nazi officer who was executed in 1945 for her crimes against humanity.
The article will be looking at different narratives from different sources on how Rwanda’s evil queen Jeannette Kagame has turned from a lovely young girl who loved every one, to a gold digger and now a notorious serial killer.
The Princess’s life in Burundi
Evil Jeannette Kagame was born in Burundi in 1962; those who studied with her affirm that she was an intelligent student and always with top marks in class.
One former student who went to Saint Albert secondary school with her told ikaze Iwacu that “Jeannette Kagame was very smart in class and teachers seemed to love her because of her articulation.”
In early 1980 that is when evil Jeannette Kagame started going out in evening dance parties for students, those who grew up with her in Burundi have told Ikaze Iwacu that she started attending evening student discos at Sesinga centre in Ngagara (Okafe), and later she started to go for night clubs.
Jeannette Kagame’s favourite night spots in Bujumbura were black and white night club, Cercle Nautique, Tanganyika Hotel and Chez Andre. Those who grew up with her in Burundi have told Ikaze Iwacu that evil Jeannette Kagame was full of life. Like any young girl she attended dancing competitions and she was always arranging picnics for her and her friends.
Her former friends in Burundi have told Ikaze Iwacu that it was during this time of going in night clubs that evil Jeannette Kagame started smoking cigarettes and cannabis. A reliable source who lives in Europe and knows evil Jeannette Kagame very well told Ikaze Iwacu that “1980s where the years of Bob Marley, reggae and blouse.
Every young person in Ngagara and Burundi in general was having a test of drugs, booze and sex. We smoked weed with her, but her brothers where addicts.”

Jeannette Rwigema has always been smart
Her life style started affecting her education performance; she passed her senior four (10em) national exams without any distinction. Ikaze Iwacu asked her former friends and neighbours, if they knew also Jeannette Rwigema.
The information Ikaze Iwacu received was that both women were great friends, school mates and class mates. It’s shocking to see Jeannette Kagame trying to crush her former best friend despite their differences.
A person who knows both women told Ikaze Iwacu that“Jeannette Rwigema was like Miss Ngagara; all the boys were after her. There was a queue of boys running after her, she was a decent girl. But Jeannette Kagame was a girl for bad boys and his first boy friend Aimable was a boy that every one feared in Ngagara.”
The deportation from Burundi
In 1983 Colonel Laurent Ndabaneze, the then head of Burundi’s intelligence services (Service National de Renseignement) attained intelligence information implicating a group of Rwandan refugees in Burundi working as spies for the Habyarimana regime.
Colonel Jean Batiste Bagaza the then president of Burundi called for a security meeting that was attended by Charles Kazatsa, Colonel Mandevu and Colonel Laurent Ndabaneze. Colonel Laurent Ndabaneze told this meeting that:
The Rwandan embassy in Burundi has recruited a group of Rwandese refugees in Burundi to gather information on the activities of fellow Rwandans. This group was also gathering information on whether Rwandans in Burundi were joining the NRA struggle of Yoweri Museveni.
A disappointed Bagaza told the Interior Minister Charles Kazatsa to convene a meeting of Rwandese elders in Burundi and inform them of this development, and he also told Colonel Ndabaneze to round up this group of Rwandese spies for interrogation and deportation back to Rwanda.
A former Burundian military officer who is conversant with this file told Ikazu Iwacu that, the administration rounded up three men for interrogation and these were Murefu of Ngagara, Mzee Jean Karoli of Nyakabiga and a mechanic garage owner Known as Omar Ramadan of Buyenzi who was the group leader.
After three days of Interrogation and the group accepted that they have been working as spies for the Habyarimana regime; the Bagaza regime gave these spies 24 hours to have left Burundi.
While Mzee Jean Karoli and Mzee Omar Ramadan decided to go and live in Goma (Zaire), Murefu and his family opted to return to Rwanda; receiving a hero’s welcome from the Habyarimana regime and he received financial assistance from Habyarimana’s office to set up Business in Rwanda.
The princess’s life in Rwanda
Mzee Murefu using the grant given to him by Habyarimana opened up a bar called Eden Garden; Murefu opened this bar with a business partner named Matayo Ngirupantse a minister and a senior MRND official in Habyarimana’s government.
Reliable sources have told Ikaze Iwacu that while in Rwanda evil Jeannette Kagame continue to go out with his brothers. Jeannette Kagame’s former boy friends in Rwanda included John Kayihura, Aime Nzisaba, Bosco Butera and Camary disco dance etc. Ikaze Iwacu readers should know all these men are out off the country for fear of their lives.

Mathieu Ngirumpatse, the former MRND chairman, now in prison in TPIR in Arusha
While in Rwanda evil Jeannette Kagame continued her bad habits of smoking cannabis, cigarettes and drinking.
A former friend in Rwanda has told ikaze Iwacu that « Jeannette Kagame was always smoking cannabis with her brothers and her brother’s friends like Albert Rudatsimburwa, Dede, Françoise etc. Eden Garden was a place to be as all good girls in Kigali used to flock the place to hunt for rich men and expatriates ».

The late Joseph Nzirorera, former MRND's general secretary, was Jeannette Kagame's sugar daddy!
With time Jeannette Kagame stopped all other relationships with other boys when she started going out with Husi Kajuga a married man, as Husi Kajuga was married to a Belgian white lady.
It’s important for Ikaze Iwacu readers to know that Husi Kajuga was a Tutsi and an older brother to Robert Kajuga the founding member; and the president to Interahamwe militias.
While in a relationship with Husi Kajuga, evil Jeannette Kagame was also seeing another married man Joseph Nzirorera, the principle adviser to Habyalimana that time, and ironically both Husi and Nzirorera where great friends.
A reliable source who was close to evil Jeannette continued to tell Ikaze Iwacu that after realising that she was pregnant, Jeannette Kagame approached her boy friend Husi Kajuga and told him about the news; that is when Husi told Mzee Murefu that she wants to support his daughter with education and that is when she was sent to Nairobi in January of 1987.
While in Nairobi evil Jeannette Kagame lived at Specioza Kayihura the mother of Paul Kagame’s spokes woman Yolanda Makolo and Yvonne Makolo the director of advertisement at MTN Rwanda. Husi Kajuga had introduced evil Jeannette Kagame to the Kayihura’s extended family in Kenya.
In Nairobi evil Jeannette Kagame got another man named James Kairu. Those who lived in Nairobi at this time have told Ikaze Iwacu that this man was a decent and educated Kenyan from the Kikuyu tribe. James Kairu was the director of operation at the ministry of Tourism.
When evil Jeannette Kagame gave birth around September 1987, Mr James Kairu accepted the baby boy as his. A very reliable source has told Ikaze Iwacu that this baby boy was named Jackson Kairu, evil Jeannette Kagame looked after this boy with the help of Specioza Kayihura.
It is also important to note that the extended Kayihura family has been rewarded heavily by evil Jeannette Kagame in different juice positions in Rwanda.
For example Viviane Kayitesi Kayihura heads Rwanda Development Bank, Teta Rutimirwa Kayihura heads urban planning, Eugene Kayihura Rwanda’s ambassador to South Korea, Rema and Minego are board members at New Times publication.
When the two evils met
Dictator Paul Kagame after being refused by all beautiful women in Uganda; he decided to tell Immacule Mirenge about his wish to get a woman for marriage. That is when Immacule Mirenge told her best friend Specioza Kayihura about Paul Kagame’s dilemma.
Specioza Kayihura told Immacule Mirenge to introduce Jeannette Nyiramongi to Paul Kagame. In 1989 that is when Immacule Mirenge Introduced Jeannette Nyiramongi to Dictator Paul Kagame and in June of that year they got married.
When Evil Jeannette Kagame got married, she left his child to be looked after by Specioza Kayihura. In 1995 when Specioza Kayihura returned to Rwanda the child was returned to her father.
Dictator Paul Kagame’s shock
Dictator Paul Kagame with all his intelligence tricks; he came to find out about this boy in 2002. Jeannette Nyiramongi and her entourage kept this child as a secret to even her husband.
In 2002 that is when Jeannette Kagame’s son decided to go to Rwanda and look for the mother and he was escorted by his auntie.
A shocked Colonel Silas Udahemuka rang Paul Kagame that there is a son and a woman at Kanombe airport who have come to see the first lady. This issue led to a short separation between Jeannette Kagame and Paul Kagame. Reliable sources within Village Urugwiro have told Ikaze Iwacu that evil Jeannette Kagame took a refugee at Kayumba Nyamwasa’s house.
Senior RPF cadres had to go and calm down Dictator Paul Kagame, and after few weeks of separation evil Jeannette Kagame was forgiven but with conditions:
That he doesn’t want that boy to ever step in the country again.
Jeannette Kagame should do her best to remove her names from the boy’s birth certificate.
Jeannette Kagame shouldn’t have any communication with the boy.
Paul Kagame told the RPF senior Cadres to go and meet the boy’s father; and ask him what he needs in order to keep quite. Reliable sources have told Ikaze Iwacu that the Boy’s father was paid heavily with financial incentives; and he was told to leave Kenya. Ikaze Iwacu should know that James Kairu and the family now leave in a Scandinavian country, but according to this source the Family must have changed their names.
From this day Immacule Mirenge was distrusted by Dictator Paul Kagame for not telling him that Jeannette Kagame had another child. Also from this time that is when evil Jeannette Kagame started harassing all those that knew this information apart from the Kayihura family. The story about Jeannette Kagame’s other son has become a taboo in Rwanda.
Those who know about this boy
The information that has been written above is true and reliable information, about Rwanda’s current evil queen. All senior RPF cadres know about this boy; for example Tito Rutaremara, James Musoni, Jack Nziza, Emmanuel Ndahiro, Karenzi Karake, the Kayihura family, Francois Ngarambe, Jacquiline Mukeshimana Bunyenyezi and dozens of RPF women who are either serving or on Agatebe.
I hope Igihe.com and New Times should start investigating the moral behaviours of those who are in public life rather than focusing their energy in attacking the defenceless Rwandans.
A note to John Rukumbura
After Ikaze Iwacu getting information that Intore John Rukumbura is going around telling Rwandans in Toronto that the information written on the 22nd of September on Ikaze Iwacu was false.
What we can tell John Rukumbara is that we write facts and he should know that we omitted some of the information that included some members of his family who are not part of his crimes and greedy.
John Rukumbura should know that we have reliable informers within the Rwandan embassy in England and Canada. Those dates we stated on our 22nd of September article are right and you know the families you visited in London and Montreal, and even our informers have given us your photos standing with Lt. Colonel Charles Shema in Canada, on the said dates that you’re supposed to be voting.
We don’t wake up writing articles without facts or proof, and in case we find out that we have written unsubstantiated or wrong information, trust we shall apologise.

Now Jeannette Kagame is the queen of Rwanda, who makes people like Rukumbura running around and lying to Rwandans
But for your case we have cross checked the information and we still standard by the article and Mr John Rukumbura you should thank Ikaze Iwacu for omitting some of the information rather than accusing us of fabrication.
Credibility can’t be obtained by tarnishing people’s image through lies, and it’s through this principle that we write and publish verified information. Intore John Rukumbura may continue to foul people like Mzee Munyarugerero Victor, but not to deny stated facts.
Good and excellent political carriers are not built through lies, hopelessness of fear or fabrication. Humanity has always prevailed when faced with dictatorship and authoritarian regimes.
Rwandans are witnessing a criminal regime that runs the country like a mafia organisation. RPF as a mafia organisation has introduced conmen as politician; human right abusers have been turned into stars in the RPF’s regime and incapable bureaucrats have been elevated due to nepotism.
By a Correspondent
Andrew Vachss in his 1999 book “Choice of evil” stated that “Journalism is the protection between people and any sort of totalitarian rule, it’s a moral duty of a journalist or blogger to scrutinise the moral behaviours of those holding public offices.
For those who don’t want their lives to be scrutinised, what I can say is that politic shouldn’t be your profession.”
Paul Kagame and Jeannette Nyiramongi wedding
For the last month Rwandans have been reading from Igihe.com the sensational stories about Jeannette Rwigema and the newly acclaimed Fred Rwigema’s sons.
Ikaze Iwacu does not question the paternity of both Alfred Gisa and Dan Mutabazi Gisa, but we only question the role played by Rwanda’s evil queen Jeannette Kagame in dehumanising the image of Mrs Jeannette Rwigema.
On the 15th of September Ikaze Iwacu published an article about evil Jeannette Kagame’s plan to introduce Alfred Gisa’s mother Miss Eunice Matsiko before the Kagame press of Igihe and New Times. But after the publication of their evil plan evil Jeannette Kagame devised another plan of introducing Fred Rwigema’s other child.
Reliable source from Village Urugwiro has told Ikaze Iwacu that Jack Nziza has lined up four children, after Alfred Gisa and Dan Mutabazi Gisa; two more children are yet to come out.
The saga of Jeannette Rwigema and her step children is not yet over, what all Rwandans should know is that the script is written by evil Jeannette Kagame with the blessing of criminal Paul Kagame who now wears the skirt as Jeannette Kagame now wears trousers, meaning that Jeannette Kagame is the real Boss at Village Urugwiro.
Today’s article will be analysing and discussing about Rwanda’s new acclaimed queen. I am writing this article with a heavy heart, sorrow and pain to how a woman, mother and a daughter can enjoy the destruction of humanity without remorse or consciousness.
As of now evil Jeannette Kagame has killed more people than Juana Bourmann a female SS Nazi officer who was executed in 1945 for her crimes against humanity.
The article will be looking at different narratives from different sources on how Rwanda’s evil queen Jeannette Kagame has turned from a lovely young girl who loved every one, to a gold digger and now a notorious serial killer.
The Princess’s life in Burundi
Evil Jeannette Kagame was born in Burundi in 1962; those who studied with her affirm that she was an intelligent student and always with top marks in class.
One former student who went to Saint Albert secondary school with her told ikaze Iwacu that “Jeannette Kagame was very smart in class and teachers seemed to love her because of her articulation.”
In early 1980 that is when evil Jeannette Kagame started going out in evening dance parties for students, those who grew up with her in Burundi have told Ikaze Iwacu that she started attending evening student discos at Sesinga centre in Ngagara (Okafe), and later she started to go for night clubs.
Jeannette Kagame’s favourite night spots in Bujumbura were black and white night club, Cercle Nautique, Tanganyika Hotel and Chez Andre. Those who grew up with her in Burundi have told Ikaze Iwacu that evil Jeannette Kagame was full of life. Like any young girl she attended dancing competitions and she was always arranging picnics for her and her friends.
Her former friends in Burundi have told Ikaze Iwacu that it was during this time of going in night clubs that evil Jeannette Kagame started smoking cigarettes and cannabis. A reliable source who lives in Europe and knows evil Jeannette Kagame very well told Ikaze Iwacu that “1980s where the years of Bob Marley, reggae and blouse.
Every young person in Ngagara and Burundi in general was having a test of drugs, booze and sex. We smoked weed with her, but her brothers where addicts.”
Jeannette Rwigema has always been smart
Her life style started affecting her education performance; she passed her senior four (10em) national exams without any distinction. Ikaze Iwacu asked her former friends and neighbours, if they knew also Jeannette Rwigema.
The information Ikaze Iwacu received was that both women were great friends, school mates and class mates. It’s shocking to see Jeannette Kagame trying to crush her former best friend despite their differences.
A person who knows both women told Ikaze Iwacu that“Jeannette Rwigema was like Miss Ngagara; all the boys were after her. There was a queue of boys running after her, she was a decent girl. But Jeannette Kagame was a girl for bad boys and his first boy friend Aimable was a boy that every one feared in Ngagara.”
The deportation from Burundi
In 1983 Colonel Laurent Ndabaneze, the then head of Burundi’s intelligence services (Service National de Renseignement) attained intelligence information implicating a group of Rwandan refugees in Burundi working as spies for the Habyarimana regime.
Colonel Jean Batiste Bagaza the then president of Burundi called for a security meeting that was attended by Charles Kazatsa, Colonel Mandevu and Colonel Laurent Ndabaneze. Colonel Laurent Ndabaneze told this meeting that:
The Rwandan embassy in Burundi has recruited a group of Rwandese refugees in Burundi to gather information on the activities of fellow Rwandans. This group was also gathering information on whether Rwandans in Burundi were joining the NRA struggle of Yoweri Museveni.
A disappointed Bagaza told the Interior Minister Charles Kazatsa to convene a meeting of Rwandese elders in Burundi and inform them of this development, and he also told Colonel Ndabaneze to round up this group of Rwandese spies for interrogation and deportation back to Rwanda.
A former Burundian military officer who is conversant with this file told Ikazu Iwacu that, the administration rounded up three men for interrogation and these were Murefu of Ngagara, Mzee Jean Karoli of Nyakabiga and a mechanic garage owner Known as Omar Ramadan of Buyenzi who was the group leader.
After three days of Interrogation and the group accepted that they have been working as spies for the Habyarimana regime; the Bagaza regime gave these spies 24 hours to have left Burundi.
While Mzee Jean Karoli and Mzee Omar Ramadan decided to go and live in Goma (Zaire), Murefu and his family opted to return to Rwanda; receiving a hero’s welcome from the Habyarimana regime and he received financial assistance from Habyarimana’s office to set up Business in Rwanda.
The princess’s life in Rwanda
Mzee Murefu using the grant given to him by Habyarimana opened up a bar called Eden Garden; Murefu opened this bar with a business partner named Matayo Ngirupantse a minister and a senior MRND official in Habyarimana’s government.
Reliable sources have told Ikaze Iwacu that while in Rwanda evil Jeannette Kagame continue to go out with his brothers. Jeannette Kagame’s former boy friends in Rwanda included John Kayihura, Aime Nzisaba, Bosco Butera and Camary disco dance etc. Ikaze Iwacu readers should know all these men are out off the country for fear of their lives.
Mathieu Ngirumpatse, the former MRND chairman, now in prison in TPIR in Arusha
While in Rwanda evil Jeannette Kagame continued her bad habits of smoking cannabis, cigarettes and drinking.
A former friend in Rwanda has told ikaze Iwacu that « Jeannette Kagame was always smoking cannabis with her brothers and her brother’s friends like Albert Rudatsimburwa, Dede, Françoise etc. Eden Garden was a place to be as all good girls in Kigali used to flock the place to hunt for rich men and expatriates ».
The late Joseph Nzirorera, former MRND's general secretary, was Jeannette Kagame's sugar daddy!
With time Jeannette Kagame stopped all other relationships with other boys when she started going out with Husi Kajuga a married man, as Husi Kajuga was married to a Belgian white lady.
It’s important for Ikaze Iwacu readers to know that Husi Kajuga was a Tutsi and an older brother to Robert Kajuga the founding member; and the president to Interahamwe militias.
While in a relationship with Husi Kajuga, evil Jeannette Kagame was also seeing another married man Joseph Nzirorera, the principle adviser to Habyalimana that time, and ironically both Husi and Nzirorera where great friends.
A reliable source who was close to evil Jeannette continued to tell Ikaze Iwacu that after realising that she was pregnant, Jeannette Kagame approached her boy friend Husi Kajuga and told him about the news; that is when Husi told Mzee Murefu that she wants to support his daughter with education and that is when she was sent to Nairobi in January of 1987.
While in Nairobi evil Jeannette Kagame lived at Specioza Kayihura the mother of Paul Kagame’s spokes woman Yolanda Makolo and Yvonne Makolo the director of advertisement at MTN Rwanda. Husi Kajuga had introduced evil Jeannette Kagame to the Kayihura’s extended family in Kenya.
In Nairobi evil Jeannette Kagame got another man named James Kairu. Those who lived in Nairobi at this time have told Ikaze Iwacu that this man was a decent and educated Kenyan from the Kikuyu tribe. James Kairu was the director of operation at the ministry of Tourism.
When evil Jeannette Kagame gave birth around September 1987, Mr James Kairu accepted the baby boy as his. A very reliable source has told Ikaze Iwacu that this baby boy was named Jackson Kairu, evil Jeannette Kagame looked after this boy with the help of Specioza Kayihura.
It is also important to note that the extended Kayihura family has been rewarded heavily by evil Jeannette Kagame in different juice positions in Rwanda.
For example Viviane Kayitesi Kayihura heads Rwanda Development Bank, Teta Rutimirwa Kayihura heads urban planning, Eugene Kayihura Rwanda’s ambassador to South Korea, Rema and Minego are board members at New Times publication.
When the two evils met
Dictator Paul Kagame after being refused by all beautiful women in Uganda; he decided to tell Immacule Mirenge about his wish to get a woman for marriage. That is when Immacule Mirenge told her best friend Specioza Kayihura about Paul Kagame’s dilemma.
Specioza Kayihura told Immacule Mirenge to introduce Jeannette Nyiramongi to Paul Kagame. In 1989 that is when Immacule Mirenge Introduced Jeannette Nyiramongi to Dictator Paul Kagame and in June of that year they got married.
When Evil Jeannette Kagame got married, she left his child to be looked after by Specioza Kayihura. In 1995 when Specioza Kayihura returned to Rwanda the child was returned to her father.
Dictator Paul Kagame’s shock
Dictator Paul Kagame with all his intelligence tricks; he came to find out about this boy in 2002. Jeannette Nyiramongi and her entourage kept this child as a secret to even her husband.
In 2002 that is when Jeannette Kagame’s son decided to go to Rwanda and look for the mother and he was escorted by his auntie.
A shocked Colonel Silas Udahemuka rang Paul Kagame that there is a son and a woman at Kanombe airport who have come to see the first lady. This issue led to a short separation between Jeannette Kagame and Paul Kagame. Reliable sources within Village Urugwiro have told Ikaze Iwacu that evil Jeannette Kagame took a refugee at Kayumba Nyamwasa’s house.
Senior RPF cadres had to go and calm down Dictator Paul Kagame, and after few weeks of separation evil Jeannette Kagame was forgiven but with conditions:
That he doesn’t want that boy to ever step in the country again.
Jeannette Kagame should do her best to remove her names from the boy’s birth certificate.
Jeannette Kagame shouldn’t have any communication with the boy.
Paul Kagame told the RPF senior Cadres to go and meet the boy’s father; and ask him what he needs in order to keep quite. Reliable sources have told Ikaze Iwacu that the Boy’s father was paid heavily with financial incentives; and he was told to leave Kenya. Ikaze Iwacu should know that James Kairu and the family now leave in a Scandinavian country, but according to this source the Family must have changed their names.
From this day Immacule Mirenge was distrusted by Dictator Paul Kagame for not telling him that Jeannette Kagame had another child. Also from this time that is when evil Jeannette Kagame started harassing all those that knew this information apart from the Kayihura family. The story about Jeannette Kagame’s other son has become a taboo in Rwanda.
Those who know about this boy
The information that has been written above is true and reliable information, about Rwanda’s current evil queen. All senior RPF cadres know about this boy; for example Tito Rutaremara, James Musoni, Jack Nziza, Emmanuel Ndahiro, Karenzi Karake, the Kayihura family, Francois Ngarambe, Jacquiline Mukeshimana Bunyenyezi and dozens of RPF women who are either serving or on Agatebe.
I hope Igihe.com and New Times should start investigating the moral behaviours of those who are in public life rather than focusing their energy in attacking the defenceless Rwandans.
A note to John Rukumbura
After Ikaze Iwacu getting information that Intore John Rukumbura is going around telling Rwandans in Toronto that the information written on the 22nd of September on Ikaze Iwacu was false.
What we can tell John Rukumbara is that we write facts and he should know that we omitted some of the information that included some members of his family who are not part of his crimes and greedy.
John Rukumbura should know that we have reliable informers within the Rwandan embassy in England and Canada. Those dates we stated on our 22nd of September article are right and you know the families you visited in London and Montreal, and even our informers have given us your photos standing with Lt. Colonel Charles Shema in Canada, on the said dates that you’re supposed to be voting.
We don’t wake up writing articles without facts or proof, and in case we find out that we have written unsubstantiated or wrong information, trust we shall apologise.
Now Jeannette Kagame is the queen of Rwanda, who makes people like Rukumbura running around and lying to Rwandans
But for your case we have cross checked the information and we still standard by the article and Mr John Rukumbura you should thank Ikaze Iwacu for omitting some of the information rather than accusing us of fabrication.
Credibility can’t be obtained by tarnishing people’s image through lies, and it’s through this principle that we write and publish verified information. Intore John Rukumbura may continue to foul people like Mzee Munyarugerero Victor, but not to deny stated facts.
Good and excellent political carriers are not built through lies, hopelessness of fear or fabrication. Humanity has always prevailed when faced with dictatorship and authoritarian regimes.
Rwandans are witnessing a criminal regime that runs the country like a mafia organisation. RPF as a mafia organisation has introduced conmen as politician; human right abusers have been turned into stars in the RPF’s regime and incapable bureaucrats have been elevated due to nepotism.
By a Correspondent
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