dimanche 15 septembre 2013


15 septembre 2013 

“When I look upon on the merits of Kagame’s duties, intellect, accomplishment and behaviours. I see a man who is full of nonsense and vomits.” A young junior RDF officer stationed in Hehu inside Congo told Ikaze iwacu.


After the infamous speech that our mentally ill president gave to the youth connect gathering on the 30th-june 2013, our criminal ruler was at it again with another diabolic madness that Rwanda’s justice system is at the advanced stage and it has already achieved 80% of there objectives.

While speaking on the 6th-August at the launch of the 2013-2014 judicial year at parliament, criminal Kagame was on his lies again by telling the nation that “justice is an essential part of building a nation and ensuring every citizen is equal before the law. Every nation, rich or poor, has the ability to respect justice. 

No country should claim to have monopoly over the understanding of principle of justice.” Kagame who are you fooling? We know and still witnessing your crimes. http://en.igihe.com/news/every-nation-has-ability-to-uphold-rights-of.html


In principle, criminal Kagame’s speech was full of vomits as our criminal ruler knows well that he is the law, the judge and the prisoner in Rwanda. He became a total joker when he thanked the justice sector for the remarkable achievements in the past five years. 

The shocking part was when these corrupt judges stood up to give a standing ovation to this criminal ruler; these corrupt judges will be held responsible in future for abetting and legalising the crimes done by these regime. http://www.igihe.com/amakuru/muri-afurika/u-rwanda/article/2013-ubutabera-bwateye-imbere-80-y

Rwanda a country ruled by political imbeciles

The above subtitle is the best description any sober minded person and seasonal political observers may come up to describe politicians within the RPF regime. News that has been coming out of Rwanda in the past weeks shows how the ruling elites in Rwanda are a bunch of political imbeciles. Political institutions have been patronised and disastrous in their dispensation of duty.

One of the news that has been coming out of Rwanda is that of the education ministry under Dr. Vincent Biruta. This is a man while as a youth received a first class education and free of charge from previous governments; now this same man who enjoyed first class education with first class scholarship to a state university, he is now destroying the current youth with his revisionist education policy. In the eyes of both students and their parents, Vincent Biruta is considered as a political imbecile.


The criminal behaviours of Paul Kagame and his political stooges has amazed all Rwandans and foreigners, but what eludes these politicians is the ability think, that one day they will be in the docks answering for their political, economical and social crimes against Rwandans. 

Dear Rwandans; I don’t know the best way to describe political rulers within the RPF regime rather than describing them as political imbeciles.

Rwanda is really ruled by the Imbeciles

How would any one for example describe the behaviours of Seraphine Mukantabana or Pierre Habumuremyi? Obviously corrupt apologist like Arthur Asiimwe or doggy professor Manasseh Nshuti would call these ministers as the most exemplary civil servants in the world; but for those who are suffering or dying under the RPF regime observe these RPF ministers and politicians as political imbeciles.

I can’t apologise to any one for the above subtitle. How would any one describe politicians that allow the Kagames to spend millions in their extravagancy Rwanda day mischief while Rwandans are going hungry, no scholarships for students and high level of taxes that targets the poor?

Robert Anton Wilson in his 2002 book “The thing that ate the constitution” stated that:

“The worst thing that can happen under a country is a rule by an assembly of political imbeciles. A political imbecile doesn’t know that, from his/her political ignorance is born the destruction of a nation.”

The above statement from a scholar justifies the above subtitle; therefore Rwanda is ruled by Political imbeciles bent to destroy the nation.

Jeannette Kagame verses Jeannette Rwigema, the case of Alfred Bada Rwigema

Rwandans on the 9th-september woke up to the news that there is another son of the late Fred Rwigema. This revelation came as a shock and a surprise too many Rwandans to the extent that some have demanded for DNA to clarify the truth, while others have demanded the police to intervene and arrest this young man; and some have demanded for the young boy to be lynched for his false claims. 

Mrs Jeannette Rwigema, still tortured bya Jeannette Kagame

Among RPF insiders the coming out of Alfred Bada Gisa wasn’t news; all a long they knew that Rwigema had another son. Ikaze Iwacu contacted an RPF historical about the Alfred Gisa issue, and he said that “With no doubt Alfred is a true son of Afande Fred, Kagame was told by about this boy in 1990 by Afande Kayitare as this boy was born while Kagame was in America for his studies. All senior officers within the RPF/RPA knew about this story, and it wasn’t a rumour.”

Ikaze Iwacu contacted one of General Salim Saleh’s aid on this issue whom we can’t name as he is not authorised to discuss the subject, and he told Ikaze Iwacu that “Alfred is a real son of Fred Rwigema, and he was looked after by his maternal uncle who was the archbishop of Kigezi diocese. 

In 1991 Kagame personally visited Alfred’s mother and he warned her to never mention again that Alfred is Fred’s son.”

The question is why now that this young man has decided to come out? Why is he accusing Mrs Jeannette Rwigema for his demise? Is Mrs Jeannette Rwigema a killer with the capacity to hunt down this young man?

Contrary to other online news papers that mentioned that dictator Kagame never knew about this child. Ikaze iwacu investigation has found out from different sources that have prior knowledge to the working within village Urugwiro and DMI that both Paul and Jeannette Kagame knew about this young man and, where he and his mother where living in Uganda.

On the 4th of August Paul and Jeannette Kagame invited Gen. Jack Nziza and James Musoni for Sunday lunch at village Urugwiro. Reliable sources have told Ikaze Iwacu that at this luncheon the Akazu clique discussed the issues of Tribert Rujugiro Ayabatwa and his business operations in Rwanda. They also discussed about Mrs Jeannette Rwigema’s unstoppable relationship with Mrs Nathalie Mukagatete Rujugiro.

It was during this meeting that these thieves decided to confiscate Tribert Rujugiro’s proterties and freeze his accounts. This role of stealing Rujugiro’s wealth was given to James Musoni and this thief used the 2004 law that was enacted to address abandoned properties to confiscate Rujugiro’s properties in Rwanda.

These criminals have tried to Kill Rujugiro and his eldest son on several occasions but their heinous plans only to back fire on them. This meeting also looked at the relationship between RNC and Rujugiro; Gen. Jack Nziza informed his boss that there is a cosy relationship between RNC and Rugiro, and this relationship has been cemented by Rujugiro’s aid, David Himbara’s close friendship with Kayumba Nyamwasa.

On the issue of Mrs Jeannette Rwigema, these criminal decided to tarnish her image. They have realised that Mrs Jeannette Rwigema is loved by all sections of the society, and their plan to humiliate her in 2009 by using the then police CID commissioner Mary Gahonzire to summon her for constant interrogation, mocking, spying on her and psychological torture end up back firing on the Kagames; as Rwandans even staunch RPF supporters where not impressed with both Paul and Jeannette Kagame’s treatment of Jeannette Rwigema. 

Alfred Gisa Bada, the son of Fred Rwigema, appears

This reliable informer continued to tell Ikaze Iwacu that due to Jeannette Rwigema’s positive image their own option was to tarnish her image and portray her as heartless and selfish woman with no single love even for her stepson. 

This mission to tarnish her Image was given to Kagame’s bull dog Gen. Jack Nziza, a coward man with no single moral in him. Sadly Jack Nziza calls himself « imfura », unbelievable!!

In their new game to tarnish this poor woman’s image, these criminals decided to use Rwigema’s stepson and his mother Miss Eunice Matsiko who will soon be paraded in front of Kagame’s press. To back up Alfred Gisa’s account these lying criminals decided that they should use Major Alex Shumba a retired soldier and a former Fred Rwigema confidant.

On 5th of August, Major Alex Shumba was contacted by Gen. Jack Nziza, but he told Jack Nziza that he is in Kibungo for business meetings. After being contacted by Jack Nziza, Maj. Alex told his close friends that Jack Nziza wants to meet him; he was scared that may be Jack Nziza wants to redeploy him back in the army and be sent to Congo under M23. 

On the 6th of August, Maj. Alex Shumba was picked from the meeting point by Col. Franco Rutagengwa the DMI chief and Jack Nziza’s boy, and taken to meet Jack Nziza at his residence in Kimihurura. While at Jack Nziza’s residence, Alex Shumba was told by Nziza that there is an important mission for him and it’s an order from his Excellency.

Gen. Jack Nziza told Alex Shumba that the country has attained intelligence information indicating that Mrs Jeannette Rwigema is in contact with enemies of the state; Maj. Shumba was told that Mrs Jeannette Rwigema was in constant contact with Mrs Nathalie Mukagatete, Mrs Rosette Kayumba, Leah Karegeya, Edith Gasana, Esperance Kabarebe etc.

A surprised Maj. Shumba was told how the state wants to put Mrs Jeannette Rwigema on the check, he was told about the plans and he was asked for his support. A shocked Shumba defended Mrs Jeannette Rwigema and told Gen. Jack Nziza that the intelligence information was flawed, he advised Jack Nziza to even lock those informers for providing wrong and in-collect information.

Maj. Shumba told Jack Nziza that he doesn’t have the stomach or the guts to lie against Mrs Jeannette Rwigema a woman that he loves and respects so much. But Jack Nziza told him to go and think about it, he was promised a big reward in case he decides to help the “state”. He was called on the 8th, 15th and 22nd of August by Jack Nziza and on both cases he told this dreaded criminal that he is not interested.

According to this reliable informer and a close friend of Maj. Alex Shumba; he believes that for refusing to be part of Kagame’s criminal act to flame Mrs Jeannette Rwigema, Maj. Shumba paid with his life and he died on the 11th of September due to organ failures.

This informer continued to tell Ikaze Iwacu that, “Maj. Shumba was a constant guest at Car wash grill and sports bar where he used to go to meet friend and watch the premier league, and I think it’s here where he was poisoned by DMI agents. But he has died an honourably death.”

While Gen. Jack Nziza was talking to Maj. Shumba, in Kampala a delegation led by John Ngarambe an intelligence worker at the Rwandese embassy in Kampala was travelling to Kashari County to locate Alfred Bada Gisa and his mother Miss Eunice Matsiko. When they were located John Ngarambe, told them how the “merciful” Paul Kagame wants to help them out of their miseries.

On this same day they were driven to Kampala to a house in Nakasero that was hired for them by the embassy, and this is where they briefed the family for their role to destroy Mrs Jeannette Rwigema. John Ngarambe who is also a distant cousin to Kagame; fed lies to Alfred Gisa by telling him that all the bad things that have happened to him and his mother were caused by Jeannette Rwigema.

Alfred’s face book message and Igihe article accusing Mrs Jeannette Rwigema as a killer were coordinated by DMI agents under the instruction of Jack Nziza, with blessing of Rwanda’s criminal first family: http://www.igihe.com/amakuru/muri-afurika/u-rwanda/article/habonetse-umwana-utari-uzwi-wa-gen

Ikaze Iwacu contacted John Ngarambe through the embassy phone, to question about his criminality against Rwandans and this is what he said before he hanged up the phone, “I am a diplomat and I abide by the diplomatic cord of conduct.”

Our informer at the Rwandan embassy in Uganda told Ikaze Iwacu that Alfred Gisa’s mother will soon be paraded in front of Kagame’s press with accusations against Mrs Jeannette Rwigema. 

They haven’t paraded Miss Eunice Matsiko as they are still shopping for her and treating on her beauty, as Jeannette Kagame instructed that Miss Eunice has to be at her best before she meets the press. This is designed to mentally destroy Mrs Jeannette Rwigema.


The above narrative about the war against Mrs Jeannette Rwigema is from different informers, it’s a journalist’s ethical prerogative to protect their informers or whistle browsers. But what we can assure Ikaze Iwacu readers is that all information written usually comes from reliable sources.

Rwandans have cried against this regime. Rwandans have shouted against this regime. Rwandans have marched against this regime. Rwandans have talked against this regime. 

The only remaining option that we haven’t used is the arms struggle and this is our last option. This is the only medicine that a criminal will listen too.
By a Correspondent
Mudukurikire kuri

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