mardi 10 septembre 2013

The Remedy for the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Endless Wars.

5 septembre 2013  

Since October 1996, after the Rwanda’s first invasion to its vast neighboring country of DRC, the Congolese people lost more than five million people plus more than six hundred thousands Hutu refugees who were slaughtered by the Rwandan Defense Forces. 

The root of wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) came from the Rwanda’s bloody conflict between the Tutsi rebels who were backed by Uganda and the Hutu dominated government.


The four years war resulted in genocide after the plane that carried the two head of states of Rwanda and Burundi was shot down as the plane was about to land in Kanombe International Airport. 

The bloody conflict from Rwanda and the failure of a genuine reconciliation between Hutus and Tutsis became as a cancer that spread into the neighboring country of DRC where Rwanda’s proxy have been fighting for the last decade and half.

The killing of the two Hutu Presidents of Rwanda, Burundi and the dignitaries who were in the plane was like adding gas in the fire. After the death of President Habyarimana, the angry Hutu militia started killing innocent Tutsis in areas controlled by the government. 

On the other hand, Major General Paul Kagame ordered his troops to attack the governmental forces while other battalions were ordered to kill innocent Hutus and burn their bodies or mix them with victims of Hutu militias.

The Tutsi rebels called Hutus for meetings with the promise that it was meeting for peace and providing food to the hungry. Everyone who responded to then the Rwandan Patriotic Army’s (RPA) meeting did not return home. 

 In some areas when the RPA soldiers thought people did not show up in large numbers they postponed meetings with smile and urged the peasant who came to bring everyone in their families because the food would be available for the next meeting!

The Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) with its military wing Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) won the war, which stopped the killing of Tutsis, but the RPA carried on mass killings of the Hutu people. 

In Kigali, thousands of Hutus were packed up in containers during the day and killed over night. The Human rights organization spoke against these killings, but the RPF’s propaganda machine was powerful to silence anyone who exposed their evil acts. 

Furthermore, the whole international community was sympathetic with minority Tutsis whom they thought “majority Hutus attempted to wipe out.” Extremist Tutsis within the RPF/RPA enjoyed killing Hutus with impunity guaranteed and eventually they crossed the border to the DRC.

In October 1996, president Paul Kagame trained and armed the first rebel movement known as Alliance of Democratic Forces for Liberation of Congo (AFDL). 

After this rebel group Kagame formed about other three groups with he goals to destabilize the DRC, kill Hutu refugees and loot its mineral resources. 

On October 1, 2011, the UN released what they called the DRC Mapping Report Exercise that recorded the heinous crimes committed during 1993 to 2003. This report accused the Rwanda’s government of committing atrocities against Hutus that would be qualified “as genocide by the competent court.

” Despite all evidence of heinous crimes committed by the forces of President Paul Kagame, the West continued to treat him as the savior of Rwanda and a role model for African leaders.

Influential people such as Pastor Rick Warren, President Bill Clinton, and the British Prime Minister Tony Blair continued to paint President Kagame who is a bloody ruthless dictator as a visionary leader.

At the hands of the Rwanda’s proxy, the DRC went through so much pain and loss. Now with the M23, which is Kagame’s latest proxy more women are being raped, children and old people are being killed. 

The government of President Joseph Kabila tried all it could to negotiate with Kagame’s proxy, but all negotiations resulted in failure. The main reason no negotiation was successful it was because no one of them would satisfy Paul Kagame’s goals that were: to control Kivu provinces, wipe out entire Hutu refugee population and install a supremacist Tutsi leadership in the whole region.

Now President Museveni of Uganda called the government of DRC and the Rwanda’s proxy of M23 to go back to table of negotiation in Kampala. This negotiation will be a waist of time and money if it will not address grievances of the Hutu refugees who survived genocide at the hands of Tutsi proxy and the RDF. 

Paul Kagame used all resources to demonize Hutu refugees, eradicate them, but it all ended in failure. Nevertheless, Paul Kagame’s forces killed hundred of thousands among Hutu refugees, but they failed to wipe all of them out as they intended due to self-defense by the Democratic Forces for Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR).

If the leaders of the Great Lakes Region who are planning to meet in Kampala on September 2, 2013 are not brave enough to tell President Kagame the truth in love, they will end up accomplishing nothing. 

On May 26, 2013 during the African Union Summit, H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete made historical remarks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that global dialogue was the only way to assure durable peace in the Great Lakes Region. President Kikwete urged Paul Kagame of Rwanda to negotiate with his political foes from the FDLR.

This friendly suggestion President Kikwete made in a good faith, caused unrest in Paul Kagame’s one-man run government that does not believe in dialogue. 

An example of the unrest were remarks made on June 30, 2013 when president Kagame told the youth gathering in Kigali that “he will wait for president Kikwete and hit him in the right place and the right time.” 

This threat is real because President Kagame is suspected to have ordered assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda, President Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi, and President Desire Kabila of the DRC.


If the leaders of the Great Lakes Region need peace, they must tell Paul Kagame to change his warlord behavior. The root of the problems of the DRC is not in the DRC, but is from the Rwandan one-man run government. 

If Paul Kagame can’t change his behavior of intolerance and killing his opponents, peace in our region will not be achieved until there will be change in Rwanda. It’s clear that Museveni called the DRC and the M23 back to negotiation table due to Rwanda’s threat of entering the war officially even though majority of the M23 soldiers are from the RDF. 

Paul Kagame sees the defeat of the M23 as his own defeat. The international community should apply arms embargo on the Rwanda government if they need peace in our region. 
Frank Ntaganda

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